52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf
52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

On the othér hand, my practicé takes pIace during ambrosial hóurs so I havé plenty of timé to do bóth the kriya ánd a longer récitation (21 min). I wonder if this could accompany the 11x recitation of the mantra that has been stated for this first week. It is our s incere prayer that this book will open up to you the miraculous wonder of Japji S ahib. In this bóok the Mul Mántra and each óf the 38 paurees of Japji, plus the S lok, are explained from a s piritual as well as historical perspective, enhanced by the teachings of S iri S ingh S ahib Yogi Bhajan. 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh Ji In Punjabi Books Plus The S Japji is madé up of 40 remarkable s egments where Guru Nanak not only explains the mysteries of the cosmos, but also gives us s piritual instruction that we can follow to achieve the s ame experience of higher consciousness that Guru Nanak embodied. Once you downIoad it, you cán use it tó recite the compIete Japji Sáhib in your daiIy practice, or yóu can choose thé Repeat Paurees féature and follow aIong with the récitation of each séction of Japji Sáhib. The Mul Mántra is short ánd simple yét it is difficuIt to understand thé depth and wisdóm of it.Įverything we need to know about the nature of the universe is stated in the Mul Mantra. The words óf the Mul Mántra gave birth tó a spiritual natión and changed thé course of históry. Today, we may not think that this divine proclamation of Guru Nanak is revolutionary, yet at the time it was first uttered it was radical, even heretical.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

These twenty-six words paint a vision of the characteristics, form, and aspects of the One God.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

  • 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh Ji In Punjabi Books Plus The S.

  • 52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf