PSAT is capable of numerous functions, as listed: A GUI is implemented, along with a Simulink-based library for network design. The Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) is a MatLab based toolbox, with a command line version which is also GNU Octave compatible. These softwares are provided for the intended use of research only. It is therefore implied that the MatLab software is required to make use of these software tools. It should be noted that a number of freely available software tools for power systems analysis have been prepared on the MatLab platform. Protection Analysis and Coordination PAC.Continuation Power Flow and/or Voltage Stability Analysis CPF-VS.The following capabilities are considered: A subtitle will be included for each software description, which outline some of the capabilities presented. The software outlined below can be categorized into two types: Free-ware and commercial software. Due to the extensive range of software available in the broad field of power systems analysis, this document will not provide an exhaustive documentation, but hopes to cover the most commonly used today. This report aims to produce a brief overview of the key software used both in research and industry to provide a guide to help researchers determine which software would best suit their needs. Due to the large number of softwares and the variety of functions they may provide, a catalogue of the most commonly used software available is most useful. Power system analysis software is widely used in power system research and education, as well as in the industry.